A two-time Olympian and a die-hard GIANTS member are two of the many who will turn the world’s biggest fun run into a sea of orange this weekend to help raise funds for an amazing cause.

The GIANTS Foundation, together with Rio’s Legacy and the Mounties Group, is looking to raise $25 million to build a brand-new children’s hospice in Western Sydney to help extremely sick babies and children, called Mounties Care Cottage.

The GIANTS Foundation is using the 2024 City2Surf this Sunday as its key driver to help achieve the incredible fundraising ambition.

Olympic rower Cameron Girdlestone will take part in his first City 2 Surf on Sunday after coming onboard as a fundraiser for the GIANTS Foundation’s special cause.

Olympic rower Cameron Girdlestone (pictured third from the left) will take part in his first City 2 Surf on Sunday after coming onboard as a fundraiser for the GIANTS Foundation’s special cause.

“The reason for joining the GIANTS’ Orange Tsunami is that I have never done a City2Surf and thought there’s no better team to join than the GIANTS all coming together for an amazing cause and raising funds for the Mounties Care Cottage,” Girdlestone said.

“My training so far has been going well and have been able to get out for a few preparations runs so looking forward to running this Sunday. I am excited to be a part of the GIANTS team this weekend and run the City2Surf with everyone.”

Sydney youngster Tobias Kooi, who celebrates his 11th birthday on Friday, has also come onboard as a GIANT fundraiser after deciding to challenge himself to his first-ever City2Surf.

A GIANTS fan since the age of five, Tobias and his family became GIANTS members in 2019 which has only furthered fuelled their love for the club.

Tobias’ mum Sarah said her son was eager to take part in Sunday’s City2Surf and help raise funds for his favourite team.

“He has grown up watching me tackle long distance running and he joins me in an annual Mother’s Day fun run and when the City2Surf entries opened up he asked me if he could challenge himself and tackle this epic course with me,” she said.

“As part of the sign-up process we were offered to create a fundraising page and we saw the GIANTS Foundation as an option and given his dedication to the best team in the league, it was a no brainer.

“Having read further into what the funds were going towards, he was adamant he wanted to fundraise for his first run of this size for the amazing Mounties cause. It was a small way he could help support a club he loves so much.

“It’s a special weekend as Tobias is turning 11 on Friday so we are having a small birthday celebration, then watching the GIANTS smash the Lions on Saturday, and then rounding out the weekend with a little run from the city to the surf on Sunday.”

While entries to the 2024 City2Surf has reached capacity, donations can still be made here towards our mission to build the Mounties Care Cottage.