A footy-mad teenager from south-west Sydney was recently given the experience of a lifetime after rubbing shoulders with his AFL idols for a week of work experience with the GIANTS.

Year 10 Camden High student Matthew Prior spent last week immersing himself in the day-to-day operations of the GIANTS at the VAILO Community Centre before capping off the week in Canberra at the GIANTS’ thrilling win over the Hawks at Manuka Oval.

From shadowing staff and interviewing players to assisting with game day preparations, Matthew gained a rare behind-the-scenes look into the inner workings of his favourite team.


Originally an NRL fan growing up, the Camden teenager revealed his love for the GIANTS and AFL began in 2015 when the GIANTS’ mascot G-Man visited his school, sparking a passion for the GIANTS that would eventually lead him to last week’s unforgettable experience.

“Back in primary school, G-Man, the mascot, came to our school and it got us really excited [about AFL] and they told us what the sport was and that they’re a new team and all of that," Matthew recalled.

“Then I went home and I spoke to my Dad and he was like ‘I’ll take you to a game’, so the next year we went to a game and we [the GIANTS] won it and from then on I’ve been a full-time GIANTS fan.”

That first AFL game had a profound impact on Matthew and his family, with the youngster admitting that despite growing up in an NRL household, AFL is now king in the Prior residence.

“As soon as we went to our first GIANTS game back in 2015 we really haven’t been watching NRL or anything besides the footy,” Matthew said.

“I got the whole family into it [AFL] and we are members and we go to all the games that we can.”

Speaking during his special GIANTS experience last week, the AFL convert was loving his time getting an up-close look into all areas of his favourite team.

“I get to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff that you don’t see normally. I got to have a tour around the headquarters and it’s been really good and they’ve taken good care of me,” he said.

“I’ve been sitting with the HR manager and we’ve been doing a bunch of office work and I’ve been with the membership manager and we had a bit of fun there.

“I went down to the Stadium and we packed for the game down at Manuka and I’ve been running around interviewing a tonne of staff and players.”

The experience also allowed Matthew the opportunity to meet his favourite GIANT.

“My favourite player is Sammy Taylor and I’ve said ‘hi’ to him a few times and I’ve got to talk to him for a bit and talk to a few other players.

“He’s really nice and he asked me a lot of questions about where I’m from and what school I go to.”

Asked what his future holds, the 15-year-old said the week-long experience had motivated him to continue his passionate relationship with the GIANTS.

“Hopefully after year 12 I’ll come back and maybe get full-time [work] here,” the ambitious teenager said.